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Shepherd's Pie (Highly Requested)

By | Monday, November 02, 2015 Leave a Comment

SHEPHERD’S PIE (Highly Requested)
A great way to start November off, with hearty one-pot meals and casseroles. Recently I made my Shepherd’s Pie and shared a pic on social media, well since then many have requested the recipe. So, I decided to share it with you all and hope you enjoy it as much as my household.
(Tip: This recipe has many steps, so cut down on time by Prep/chop/peel ingredients before you begin. A long process but oh so well worth it in the end.)
(Meat mixture)
1 lb ground turkey
1 lb ground beef
½ cup onion (chopped)
2 cloves garlic (chopped)
2 Tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
2 Tbsp thyme
¼ cup Worcestershire Sauce
1 cup beef broth
1 15oz can corn
1 cup frozen peas & carrots (or 1- 15oz can mixed veggies) I used 1 cup carrots & skipped Peas

4 large potatoes (Idaho, Russet etc. your choice)
3 Tbsp butter
½ -1 cup milk or whipping cream (mix in a little at a time to get desired consistency)
Sprinkle of Salt
Sprinkle of pepper
2 tsp garlic powder
2 cups shredded cheese (your choice)

Again, start by chopping onions, garlic, and carrots (if using fresh), set aside.  Peel potatoes and boil in salt water, medium-high heat.

(Note: I pre-steamed fresh baby carrots to cut down on cooking time. Steam by using steam bag in microwave or place carrots in covered-dish with little water on stove or microwave).

While potatoes boil, brown ground beef (on medium heat) about 5 minutes. When almost done, drain grease then add ground turkey and cook a few minutes until meat mixture brown. Drain any excess grease.
Add onion and garlic, cook a few minutes until onions are translucent. Lower heat then mix in garlic powder, pepper, salt, and thyme. Add tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce and beef broth. Mix thoroughly then add carrots and corn. Simmer 5-7 minutes, be sure to stir to avoid sticking. Turn off heat, set aside.

After about 15 mins check potatoes for tenderness, if done, drain and mash. (Note: avoid over- boiling potatoes so they’re not too mushy) Add butter, milk, salt, pepper, garlic powder.
Spread meat mixture in bottom of a 13x9 baking dish, top with 1 cup shredded cheese.
Smooth mash potatoes over meat and cheese. Lastly, top with remaining shredded cheese. Bake uncover 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Remove, let sit for 10-15 minutes. Cut and serve. Enjoy.

6-8 Servings (depending on slices)

This is a filling meal but adding salad on the side will round it out as well. Sometimes I switch up by adding peas or other veggies. You can use frozen, fresh or can. (Remember: the meat mixture is supposed to be hearty and thick, so adding a little more chopped veggies or an extra potato will make a great deep dish)

I want to thank all the lovely people who “LIKED, COMMENTED” about this dish and “REQUEST” the recipe. Let me know if you’re planning on trying it. Thanks for stopping by and be blessed!

*****ALL PHOTOS: Urban Crush*****
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