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MOTIVATION: Hey Young World

By | Tuesday, August 04, 2015 Leave a Comment

We live in a fast-paced society but always hear “Life is short…”, but what we do with it and how we spend our time makes all the difference in our future. Finding yourself on the wrong side of the tracks or going into an early grave is not a good look.

ALL THAT GLITTERS AIN'T GOLD **********************
We see many artists, entertainers, and idols flaunt their lavish lifestyle via television, music or social media platforms. I’ll admit, ballin’ out is very enticing and many want to ‘represent or be about that life’ also…. minus the millions of dollars in many bank accounts. They say, “It’s not trickin’ if you got it” so to each its’ own but don’t try to keep up with the Jones, Kardashians or anyone else if you can’t afford to.

 Designer brands/style, the hottest cars and phones may be new one minute and considered old in a year or two with an updated version. Focus on your book smarts and less on plastic surgery to imitate the celebrity-style you’re eagerly seeking. What is your real goal here? To impress, to be popular, to hold on to a boy/girl that you're sooo in love with…or so you think?! That boy or girl will be there, stay strong and don’t cheat your youth just to hurry to adult hood.

At some point we all want independence but, if your story reads like front page negative news, or you-should-have-your-own-ratchet-reality-show storyline, then fine-tuning your priorities may not be a bad idea. It’s not cool to be out of control, drugged-out, disrespectful to parents (or other authorities) - missing guidance, etc. Another mother shouldn’t have to lose her child to the streets or senseless acts caused by police brutality, or hatred in the world.   

Slow down you’re moving too fast, pace yourself and find your rhythm. The world is yours and you’ll get where you need to go in due time. Play your position by educating yourself, and surround yourself with the right people. Be a respectable reliable force others can see in your bright future. What seeds you plant today will flourish tomorrow, be it good or bad. So keep your eye on the prize.

·        -Celebrate more birthdays, have fun but grow wiser.
·        -Achieve great things as you make your mark in the world, putting forth the effort can be very rewarding.

First rule of business, stay in school, get your diploma….hey go for a degree or two. Whether via interning or a job, show responsibility, work ethic and leadership skills. Aim for advancement, if you have a passion for something, truly go after it. Create your own lane and soar high.

“School just isn’t my thing” or “I’m not interested in being an entrepreneur”, yeah I get it but, are you happy with your 9 to 5 job, if you have one? Maybe you have goals and dreams, and if so, education will play an important role in your upcoming moves so, plan it out. Don’t allow fear to take over decisions that could be life-changing for you. Everyone have a talent they’re good at, or passion for something so find what it is and onward march! Young world, do you know where you’re running to? Expecting success when everyone else is expecting failure is a sign of a visionary. Seeing things no one else can yet see sounds like a BOSS to me! Stay motivated, you can do it….let’s go! Xo

What advice would you give our youth today?  Or to your younger self, if you could. Stay blessed! 
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