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Motivation: Self Care

By | Tuesday, November 24, 2015 Leave a Comment

Motivation: Self Care
Life’s good, everything’s good! By keeping that constant reminder in the forefront will prove that all things will turn out fine. Stop all negativity in its tracks! It’s a new day and a new week which, will you look at the time, another new year among us.

Oprah has mentioned many times before that she writes in her Gratitude journal daily, many people do and ever since I can remember, I’ve always had diaries, journals, you name it. It’s such a free therapeutic high of some sort to write out your thoughts and feelings. All of your emotions flow onto the pen and then the paper…I love writing. It’s refreshing when you can reflect more clearly and view things for what it’s worth by looking back on your past and your “now showing” present.
Take care of yourself
I thrive off great energy, positivity, much love and plenty laughter. Enter happiness. What I’ve learned…and it’s a must, to have more love for yourself so you’re able to give some to others. You can’t give something you don’t have when you’re totally empty inside. Life happens and everything in it can weigh you down so it’s crucial to make sure you take care of you as well.


 Benefits of Vitamin (pictured)
B12 (along with Folate) aid in cell development & maintenance, deficiency can lead to a form of anemia. Found in eggs, milk cheese, meat etc.
Vitamin A (Retinol) aids in healthy skin. Found in natural fats; whole milk, butter etc. Aid in vision (in dim light) and many more benefits.
Zinc Associated with protein, found in nuts, wholegrains, meat, dairy etc. Helps healing of wounds.
Vitamin D3 Supports teeth, bone and immune health. Sunlight on the skin gives Vitamin D but can be found in oily fish, egg yolks, milk etc.
At times we go so hard for others and forget about ourselves in the process.
Many may depend on you, especially if you’re the number one top person who sets the tone/pace for all things per your family. Plenty of prayer, meditation, music, healthy eating, daily nutrients and exercise is a great start. Oh and can’t forget the much needed laughter via great friends and family. Also, throw in a resort or a spa day to round things out.  

It’s ok to take a step or two back, slow down and pause. View all aspects of your life and the people in it. You might realize certain things need to be rearranged or even cut out completely. In the end make sure you are truly honest with yourself because after all, it starts with you. Rome wasn’t built in a day so making baby steps in the right direction will get things going. Just a spark of motivation is needed to push forward and we all can benefit from that. Find your peace and inspiration then grow, believe me things will come into focus real quick, lol. Wishing you all a prosperous life. Until next time! –xoxo
Feeling overloaded with a lot on your plate? How will you start taking care of yourself? Let me know in the comment below.
***Photos take via Urban Crush are noted***


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