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By | Friday, November 20, 2015 Leave a Comment

Delicious Scents
There’s nothing like a great scent to get your senses going, huh?! I like to keep several candles on deck in my favorite spaces around the house. When I’m working on my laptop while trying to be creative, the fragrance from a burning candle helps set the tone in my environment. A cup of coffee or tea is always nearby as well, lol. When it comes to smells, I’m such a girlie girl, lol, yeah the body spray, body butters, etc. I do all that! Since this is the season of gift giving and sharing, I want to share a couple items that may be great.

I live in many places so Michaels and Hobby Lobby are just two of many places that I find myself in for hours at a time. I purchased several things but when I came across HAVEN AROMATICS I noticed they had a great selection of scented items. It was a tough choice, but I settled on:

Lavender Vanilla Scented Candle
What I like about this candle is as soon as the top is off the smell lights up the room and when burned, the aroma flows throughout so quickly. Always a plus in my book and even better after a long day burning while you soak in a nice hot bubble bath.

Pink Grapefruit Hibiscus Hand Lotion
This lotion is just the right sweet fruity/flower balance. If you take a deep smell and close your eyes you get the delicious sensation… not of a York Peppermint Pattie, lol, but the sensation that you are standing in either Bath and Body Works or the scented section in Victoria Secrets. Really good stuff!

Do you have a favorite scented candle or lotion you like to share? Maybe one that truly get your day started or make you function better? Music at low volume does it for me also while I’m working, lol but that’s another post. Thanks for allowing me to share my little tidbit. Have a good one! Xoxo

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Photo: Urban Crush  
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