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By | Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Leave a Comment

A perfect lunch or anytime pick me up. My health kick seems to get easier each day. It’s ‘WILL POWER’. I’ve noticed once you get into the groove of eating right, your taste buds change up a tad bit. Certain foods or beverages appear sweeter or its flavor altered in some way.

After pre-blending the Spinach and Mint, add frozen fruit and a small amount of each liquid listed. Measuring the liquids are determined by your preference- thick or thin smoothie.
Note: actually one liquid of choice (or water) can be used but I love a variety of goodness. Be mindful to watch the liquid calories, a little goes a long way.

Ok, green smoothie, check! Next I boiled 2 eggs and while cooking, I took one avocado, cut into slices. It's easy to scoop out and onto a plate. When eggs were done, I peeled and sliced both as well. Eat your eggs as you like, plain or with a little seasoning- pepper etc. I decided to sprinkle Turmeric over both avocado & eggs. So delish!
Super easy, right! Only took less than 20 minutes- including boiling eggs. Low in calories and I was satisfied for hours….what more could you ask for?! Hope you try and like it. If you have other low-cal meals, snacks etc. to get you through the day I would love to hear about it. I love trying new healthy dishes.
Note: if you’re not a big veggie person, this smoothie has a hint of sweetness due to the fruit or juice choice. None of the veggies over-powered the taste. Again, it determine the amount of veggies verses the fruit you add.
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