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By | Friday, March 27, 2015 Leave a Comment

SNACK RIGHT: The Healthy Way

Hello good people I’m coming to you once again with another healthy but motivating post. Let me start by saying I’m not a huge water drinker, shocking I know! I actually found a way to trick my mind into consuming this very necessary bland beverage. My trick- these little cute 8 Fl. Oz size bottles, plain and simple. For those who can drink about a liter or more a day, gold star for you, lol, you are truly my inspiration. I became more motivated every time I reached for yet another bottle- almost back-to-back. I’m improving daily…baby steps, lol.
I’ve tried other methods like adding a little lemon which only made me want to add honey or agave, call it lemonade and go about my day. I even tried it ‘the Beyonce-way’, by adding cucumbers, lemon and mint (and not the master cleanse she did with the Maple syrup and Cayenne pepper- but yeah I tried that too). The water had a watermelon flavor to it but the longer you leave the citrus slices in the water it tends to taste a little bitter. Leaving the fruit in water for the right length of time is key. Although I successfully tried that master cleansed as well- for one day only, ha, but I quickly realized by mid- second day I was ready for real food, smh, #epicfail.  

Getting through the day without overeating can be a challenge but if you’re going to snack why not grab a healthy one. Eating healthy is an ongoing lifestyle choice so to see results you must put in the work. Just little steps-even if baby steps- while staying committed will get you there.
ORGANIC VEGGIE-GO’S (taste similar to a fruit rollup)
Berries Spinach Apple-15 Cal. 0 Fat Cal.
Sweet Potatoes Apple Spice-20 Cal. 0 Fat Cal.
Mango & Kiwi Kale Pumpkin Apples Guava- 30 Cal. 0 Fat Cal.
-Gluten Free
-No Added Sugar
½ serving of Fruit
½ serving of Veggies
You can see down into the bag (almost gone) I love this snack, so addictive.
115 Calories 60 Calories from fat
-All Natural
-No Cholesterol
-Good Source of Fiber
Although this chia seed bowl don’t look as mouthwatering but it’s packed with so much nutrition. Everyone can benefit from Chia Seeds because it's tasteless so incorporating it into salads, smoothies, yogurt etc. you get all the great benefits without sacrificing taste. 
Included in my bowl: Chia seeds, cranberries, sliced almonds, pecans, toasted coconuts chips, dried apples, green tea powder, coconut milk and a little honey (for sweetness). Whoa, talk about a healthy punch! I felt so great afterwards.
CHIA SEED BOWL (similar texture as oatmeal or cream of wheat)
-Aid Digestion
-Boost Energy
-Stay full longer
Not shown: Dried fruit (Apples and Pineapples)
As with any regime, the right combination like eating right and exercise produce the best results. Many of us do not like to exercise but once motivation starts, the hard part is over, just get started. It gets better as you go and no one likes to eat boring tasteless low-calorie foods but with seasonings like Turmeric, Garlic, Rosemary, Mint etc. to enhance foods your dish should always be flavorful. Drowning everything with cheese do not count, ha!  
NOTE: I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist. This post is to inspire those interested in changing their eating habits and substitute bad snacks for good ones. I’m sharing snacks that I enjoy but whatever your go-to snack may be, make sure it does your body good.
Have any quick snacks to suggest? Don't forget to visit me at these places:
Until next time -xo
***Photos: Urban Crush***
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