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What's In My Bag?: Bag Essentials

By | Thursday, May 28, 2015 Leave a Comment

I lalaLove various types of bags, the more unique the better....guess that makes me a bag lady, huh. The funny thing is no matter how much I put inside, it tends to get over-loaded and weighed down. Like many women, we switch our bags quite often and I want to share my latest find. This Isaac Mizrahi cutie that I picked up at Marshalls, the right size & fit that can be utilize for any purpose.

The black patent leather with gold zippers and name plate on the outside, was the sleek look I was searching for. Looking inside the bag, I noticed the cute pink polka dots and four deep pockets- two on each side. Making it the great on-the-go makeup/hair or traveling bag. I may start off using it as my purse, either way, here are some essential items I normally carry… of course it varies depending on the size and occasion.

It’s a must that I have gum on deck- and yes I am a popper, but mindful while I’m out standing next to someone. At times, I attend long events and in the mist of conversations, the sweetest, coolest people could scorch your nose hairs clean out of your nose… maybe eyebrows and lashes too, lol. I wouldn’t want my breath to be associated with hot garbage either, so being prepared is much easier on both parties.
My lips feel bare if I don’t have Chapstick or gloss to keep them moisturized, so that's always a plus. Touching countless objects, handles and whatnots require plenty hand sanitizer and lotion, a definite staple. I spruce up my perfume by having a travel-sized roll-on or mini-sized bottle of my favorite scent.

With a million and one things going on- like many of us- jotting down a to-do lists, content to write, etc. the old fashion way with a notepad and a couple of pens equal satisfaction. It’s not fun having year-around allergies, but my albuterol inhaler and non-drowsy allergy medicine is crucial for my occasional asthma flare-ups & unexpected reactions. I’m also prepared to stop headaches right in its tracks whenever they start to come around. 

 Am I the only one who still carries around a ‘Tip Guide’ card? It’s quicker for me to pull it out than to type the info in my phone. My set of keys have way-too-many-reward cards on them, only a few are in heavy rotation.

Oh yeah more gum; can’t get enough, lol. My little blue pouch contains first aid items… never know what minor emergency you’ll encounter while out. I guess it’s the ‘prepared-mom’ in me.

Again, these are my normal items but other times I may have a music device, mini-notepad, tablet, vitamins, makeup, snacks, etc. Grab my phone, keys and decide which pair of sunglasses to sport for the day and I am out the door, ready to tackle the world.

What are some of your go-to essential items? Have a great one. xoxo 

All photos: Urban Crush

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