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By | Friday, August 28, 2015 Leave a Comment

Photo: Design Essentials
 Congratulations to Design Essentials celebrating 25 years of beauty, innovation and style. Design Essentials recently hosted ‘A Beautiful Legacy: Celebrating 25 Years’, an exclusive private event for members of the media. Hair and Beauty Editor, Deena Campbell hosted the event which took place at the very beautiful Asante Restaurant in Atlanta, headed by celebrity chef Marvin Woods.

The media brunch included tips and lessons learned by Design Essentials Founder and CEO Cornell McBride Sr. and the DE family. The conversation-based event was the perfect setting and timing for unveiling their 25th Anniversary Look Book. Celebrity photographer, Allen Cooley images graced the pages of the book. Take a look inside the event.

L to R: Design Essentials® founder and CEO Cornell McBride Sr., 
Design Essentials® Director of Interactive Media Shalonda McBride Armstrong, Hair and Beauty Editor, Deena Campbell, Design Essentials® President Cornell McBride Jr., and Design Essentials® Director of Operations Andre McBride. Photos: ExclusiveAccess

Steps Event beautifully put the magic (décor) touch throughout the event. Table bathe in the Design Essentials colors along with a course menu list.
Bloggers and media asked a round of questions regarding the beauty industry and their experiences related to it.
Pictured (far right) is Design Essentials Look Book cover model. Fashion Designer Ade Bakard styled the models for this event.
The man behind the Design Essentials 25th Look Book images, Allen Cooley, explained his inspiration when capturing images.
Congratulations Design Essentials on 25 years of beauty and solidifying a place in the haircare industry. Looking forward to 25 more years.

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