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By | Monday, May 25, 2015 Leave a Comment

I decided a while back that my hair needed a major detox from relaxers. My hair is relaxed two, sometimes three, times a year and my last relaxer was several months ago, back in February. Since then, I’ve gained about two inches of new growth….yikes! Shout out to all my natural and transitioning sistahs out there, natural haircare maintenance can be a lot of work.

What is your haircare routine?
I have dry thirsty hair which requires me to frequently moisturize it. I still incorporate my basic routine that you can find in this past post here. Although I buy more sulfate-free and natural hair products nowadays, I still love trying other items to switch up every couple of months.
(Pictured) Peppermint Essential Oil- Stimulates blood flow deep down to the hair root.
Lavender Essential Oil- Has soothing properties, great for regeneration and anti-inflammatory. I add a few drops to my bathe along with bubbles and even Epsom Salt- depending on the day I had. Heaven.

Essential Oils are used in a wide variety of beauty products. These oils pack a powerful punch and very potent, so if used on skin, it’s advised to always dilute them with a carrier oil; Coconut, Olive, Jojoba, Grapeseed, Avocado, etc. Or even water. A few drops goes a long way.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) is one of my top go-to staples. I use it in an applicator bottle and can be used for skin, hair, cooking… everything! The benefits are amazing.

I keep infused-water in my spritz bottle. Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and you’re done. Any bottle will do and I set my nozzle to spray in a light mist. I use this twice daily on most days, but use as needed. For extra shine I sometimes use a mist/spray but serums give shine also.
(Above pic) My hair was in Bantu knots overnight and taken out the following day. This is one way to get the curls/coils you want without applying heat. The soft curls sprung back in place when I stretched a few out to its normal length.

After I wash/condition hair, I used the Moisturize & Seal method. I misted my hair with infused-water, then apply a leave-in conditioner, followed by an oil. I’ll then twist, braid, Bantu knots or pin it up before placing a satin hair bonnet/scarf on it.

Lighting and shine is all you need.
This look lasted several days for me but once those coils fell and the curls were done, I decided to moist & seal again but this time wearing a twist out. Some attempts turn out better than others but the results were nice.

After a couple of days of the Twist out, I finally used heat by flat ironing my hair. Don’t forget to use a heat protectant, a lifesaver for your hair. I loved my straight silky look and although I didn’t add more product to my hair, it still had a nice shine.

No one can detect two inches of new growth. Oh and I cut about an inch off my armpit-length hair due to split ends. When I don’t use heat to straighten my hair, I love rocking the simple blow-dried look, just blow and go, lol. (Tip: I normally air dry my tresses but when I decide to blow dry it’s usually set on cool.)    

There you have it, a few simple things that I add to my routine. Staying on a haircare regimen and paying attention to your hair needs will allow you to achieve the healthy hair results you’re seeking. Good luck on your haircare journey. -xoxo

Have any questions or want to share your routine, leave it below in the comment box. I would love to know great products or tips you use.

All photos: Urban Crush
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