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By | Monday, April 27, 2015 Leave a Comment

I receive questions like this quite often, so I wanted to share a little background and thoughts about my experiences. Shout out to Vincent Johnson who is an amazing friend (a go-getter as well) who inspired this post.

I have always tried to be a giving person via time, energy, effort, a shoulder, conversation, suggestions, opinions, etc. I'm packed with a lot of laughs and so much love. I am not threatened by the next one’s success or their life, I compliment and congratulate people all the time. It’s great to hear successful stories and motivating people is right up my alley.

THE START OF IT ALL (how I began)
(MY EXPERIENCE) I envisioned my passions early on as a youth, so my path started long before social media existed. I laugh when I think back in high school- 800 psychic numbers were popular. I remember asking this “so-called psychic” about future career endeavors. How hurt I was when she said I will not be involved in music/entertainment, nor will I ever meet anyone famous, lol. Ouch! Just crush a young girls dreams- that hurt. Now calling the 800 New Edition message-of-the-day number was another story, lol. I still remember walking in from school with my mom holding that expensive phone bill in her hand. Yeah I was in trouble but I was a teenager- don’t judge me, ha ha.

Fast forward- moved many miles away after high school to further my education full-time in another state. I didn’t know anyone but I soaked in everything I learned in school like a sponge. So, between full-time school, part-time job and interning simultaneously I started meeting people. I asked genuine questions and always kept conversations interesting.  

(THE TAKEAWAY) No matter the industry you pursue or where you reside, by attracting positive things into your life, all desires can be successfully obtained. Once you begin on your journey to your dreams- there may be a lot of stumbles, bumps and failures in the road- but have determination in the forefront to keep going. A great support system is key but many may not have that in place and that’s ok because you’re not alone. A total stranger can give all the boost you need to motivate you along. There are a wealth of books, positive online resources and forums to grow and learn from.

(MY EXPERIENCE) I have always kept my eye on the prize via jobs and experiences on the music/entertainment platform (music videos/movies, radio station, entertainment magazines, recording studio, co-manager of on-air talent of a television show, co-producer of comedy shows, interviewed interesting beautiful people, etc.).  
It’s something about that ‘first time’ experience- seeing your dreams manifest- and rewarding to live what you love.  

The term, ‘six degrees of separation’, holds true, we come across and connect with people in certain circles. It’s crucial to build relationships in any business because think about it, no one truly does it on their own. One time I was traveling back home to Atlanta, as the person sitting next to me struck up a pleasant conversation.  I found out she works at REVOLT TV, which is Diddy’s entertainment music network. She also explained her boyfriends’ involvement in helping ink the deal for the popular Netflix series, ‘Orange is the New Black’, when it first surfaced.  As our travel came to an end, she gave me her business card, and again this was all in passing. You never know who you come across and what being-in-the-right-place-at-the-right- time can bring.

(THE TAKEAWAY) Opportunities come and go so determine which opportunity is right for you. Many doors will slam and many no’s will echo but one opened door and one yes is all you need. Stay focused and keep going because you never know who is taking notice and someone somewhere will BELIEVE in your dreams. Surround yourself with like-minded people and those more successful in order to learn and grow. Everyone will not divulge their secret-to-success with you so don’t take it personally, although they should think back when someone gave ‘them’ their break.

There are those who allow ego to represent them or won’t ‘pay it forward’ to help the next one. Again, don’t give negative energy and people- not wishing you well to begin with- a platform. Focus on your goals, be genuinely helpful and very grateful to those around you. Hard work and determination is part of the process but without forming relationships or having a genuine supportive circle, the roads you travel… may be a long lonely one. The struggle is real but your destiny is going to happen- no matter when or where. If it’s meant for you it will be for you. There’s enough room for everyone to succeed, claim it, it’s yours. Get inspired and get connected. Figure out which next steps to take to accomplish your dream. Let’s go!

I hope this was helpful and gives someone the needed encouragement to start or continue their desires in life. Have any questions or comments? Leave them in the comment box below for ya girl, let’s connect.
***Photos: Urban Crush***

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