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By | Monday, February 25, 2013 Leave a Comment

Recently I took a trip to my local Whole foods Market to get one of my favorite healthy snacks…JUST APPLES!! This snack is a great on-the-go choice with only 100 calories per servings (servings per container 3). Each pouch is the equivalent to approx. 6 apples and I love the cut matchstick style (which they were out of). I grabbed the last two packages (pic to the left,  3 oz $4.39 ea. ) but no matter the cut, they deliver the same sweet-tart taste. Although, I can eat straight from the pouch they‘re a great addition to any muffins, hot cereals etc. Visit their website at here.

So, here is my true story tip I want to share. I'm an approachable person, so I get approached often with questions, opinions about certain subjects…believe me, it happens quit frequently and I’m happy to assist those in need of some sort.  While in Whole Foods- trying to decide between several coconut waters or various ice teas- a very friendly yet distinguished professional looking woman stood beside me. She reminded me as someone in the television/film or media industry. I didn’t catch her name, but she began a friendly conversation with me, as we talked I couldn’t help but to notice her radiant skin tone (no make-up).

I inquired about the skin products she use, she responded that for over 20 years she has faithfully used….wait for it…Avon Anew Cleanser and Moisturizer daily.

She use a homemade, sugar and olive oil mix, facial scrub once a week (because the skin renews itself every 3 days). She also informed me of an egg white facial, only applying the egg white on the face for a few minutes until it becomes tight, then rinse. Wow, for 20 years and I must say the results were amazing, no dermatologist needed! By the way, she did mention she’s in the beauty business and have been for many years now. I may do a review on this product to see how it works for my combination skin. Visit Avon's website to find out more about their products here. If anyone used this product drop me a line and let me know if it worked wonders for you.  
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