So many
choices, it was a hard decision but these were my choices for purchase.
fragrance mists smelled really good, the scent were either sweet-fruity, floral or
a combination of the two going on.
price $5.99 (on sale-3 for $10) 3 ounce
trial bottles (like getting one for free)This was my purchase, now for my free item, hmmm…
one actually goes out to my daughter, who finally picked (many indecisive
attempts feeling-like-many-hours-later) one that she was satisfied with. And the
winner is……..

SWEETHART from their New SWEETHEART COLLECTION. The BERRY FLIRT was a very close second, so at
least I’m aware of what to get her next time.
will revisit in about a week or two, to once again, use my coupon- from this “new”
purchase-to get another free signature item. Although Bath & Body Works keep
a promotional deal going, you got to love a deal :).
Well I wonder what other finds I will stumble upon...hmmm you never know but whenever or whatever it may be...I love sharing great finds and deals with my Urban Crush Beauties. Stay Beautiful. xoxo UC