Anyone can turn a house into a home and no space is too big or small; from dorm room to mansion. Depending on your time, style and creativity- skies the limit. The great part about loving and decorating your space is every so often you can switch it up to refresh the look. Cultural vibes from around the world can influence the many spaces in your home.
are a few simple décor ideas to add to a space.
a few items are needed to complete the look, the basic lamp, photo, plant and
a decorative item are shown. Other items may include a clock, book, a music
dock with mini speakers, a small jewelry holder… the list can go on.

I find it extremely therapeutic to unwind with great reading materials, my inspirational
vitamin of choice: THE BIBLE, THE SECRET and T.D. Jakes: The Lady, Her Lover
and Her LORD. Other times a great movie or music always does the trick.
everything in its place makes a world of difference. If you’re an accessories
person like I am, a collection start to overflow over time. Jewelry boxes of all
sizes are great, however viewing your collection in an organized manner is
delightful. Click here to view my DIY Jewelry Wall Organizer.
An extended wall displays the inspirational art, so between it and french doors to a
walk-in closet, sat a little nook area. Instead of wasted space, placing a wall
magazine rack was a great fit.
This silver (metal) magazine rack (Ikea) is perfect; it holds several magazines, this
one's holding about 5 or 6 per pocket, depending on the size of magazine. Great for the office
or powder room reading, lol.
says blah like bare walls and windows. Compliment solid curtains with a great
bold pattern; this will also help tone
down distracting patterns- that may take away from the beautiful décor in
the room. Pairing the right combination together can add warmth to any room or
make it cold as ice. The same holds true for paint selection for the walls as
Have bedroom décor ideas that inspire you? Like this and want to view more home décor post please comment below.
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