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By | Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Leave a Comment

Do you really need to make a new change or a fresh start on New Year’s Day? Find yourself saying ‘another day, another dollar?’ If you dread your job, but want to be happy with a comfortable lifestyle…then make a change. Great things can happen if you just keep going. Never give up, get creative and get motivated. The massively successful people, at the top of their game, put in mounds of hard dedicated work, day in and day out.  If you put in the effort…the accomplishments will come. It’s not a set length of time when someone achieves success. You can’t force opportunity, but if you involve passion, persistence and patience everything will flow as needed.   

Overcome fear. Don’t be afraid to reach out and connect to people who can help and steer you in the right direction. I know many people you stumble upon are just for self. They may have answers or knowledge to help but they’re not forthcoming with sharing or assisting you. Life goes on and you can’t let those types of people stop you. There are plenty others along your journey with open arms to welcome or assist in any way possible. You are as valuable as anyone else, so don’t get discourage of someone, company or groups success. They might be further along on their path but view it as if you’re their peer.

The days of ‘going postal’ on the job are over, as well as being unhappy in life. Just remember, you may have to sacrifice certain things but it should be part of your plan of what to expect when focusing on the big picture. For example, if an opportunity presented itself to work for the OWN Network (Oprah Winfrey) cleaning bathrooms, I would proudly carry my spray bottles/mops etc. cleaning the bathrooms while whistling, lol. It’s not a game people! I know Oprah runs a tight ship but she does great by her employees’- so I’ve heard with all the benefits, perks etc., well maybe you’re not sacrificing much, more like an even trade. Either way it goes the sooner you start the sooner you’ll see results; even a little progress is still ‘progress’ moving forward.
Have a great and blessed day. ~xoxo

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