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By | Tuesday, November 26, 2013 Leave a Comment

Photo: Yahoo
The end of the year is winding down and since Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Years bring about some amazing dinner parties and festivities, get a head start on shedding some pounds this season. If you do not work out or have a gym membership, there are other ways to burn extra calories while slimming down. Comcast- On Demand, or similar cable providers have fitness sections to utilize. Here are a few suggestions on being active without thinking you are truly working out.
Photo: Flickr & Google
Household chores: Sweeping, painting a room or even rearranging furniture is great ways to burn some calories. Even watching TV… well between commercials, try jumping jacks, sit-ups etc. These small burst of commercial-break intervals can work off that snack you just had.
Taking stairs instead of elevators will rev up the heart and in the winter months having stairs in your house or apartment building is just as beneficial.

Dancing: Whether alone or with the kids are always fun moments. Try dancing for a certain amount of time and build up to a whole album.

Walking: Take a walk on a nice day around the neighborhood or on your lunch hour. Feel free to turn it into a power walk, jog or even a run. Opt out of close parking space when out and about.

Activities: Sports, swimming, playing Frisbee, roller blade/skating/riding a bike or even grabbing the jump rope. Oh and can’t forget the Wii.

Photo: Google

Great habits to keep in mind are getting the proper amount of sleep nightly as well as taking in a lot of water, your body will thank you. When eating meals try using a smaller plate and since it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to realize that you’re full, chew and eat more slowly will avoid overindulgence. Adopting small changes in eating habits along with physical activity will burn some calories. It’s up to ‘you’ to determine when and how much you want to slim down to. Let’s get moving!
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