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Urban Crush MAIL

By | Monday, August 04, 2014 Leave a Comment

A: Hi Christina, 
Thank you for contacting me with such great questions. I, too, lived in a small town- from the mid-west so I truly can relate. To address your first statement, I would suggest starting with your job. It may have a glass ceiling but by checking on your companies website or human resources other options in another department; or a sister/parent company may be available and more rewarding for you. But, if it's a totally different direction/field you're seeking, find out what really motivates you- what speaks to your heart. If you have a passion for something, let that fuel you.  

On Networking As far as networking; research and contact companies who can put you in the right direction with the right people. Social media is a beast when it comes to networking; a great source. Many have had great experiences with job offers, got discovered with their talents etc. via the web and other forums. Word of mouth is one to never go out-of-style and by telling people what it is that you do, can open many doors. Depending on how far you reside to the nearest city, you may need to commute a little further out for better opportunities, but no major relocating. Also consider freelance work, start with local companies. A short and sweet email with a brief who, what and why description can be a great introduction to a potential client/employer etc. Attending related events, collaborating and participating when they come to your town or nearby will put you one step closer. Again, it's all about reaching out to them and building relationships. It's not about how many people in your circle, it's the right people in your circle.

On Fear
The more you involve yourself the more you become comfortable, which brings me to your last question. We all have some type of fear but once you overcome it, it's no longer a fear. For me personally, I kept my eye on the prize. I was in school full-time, worked part-time and interned with the little time I had left. I, too, am a hands-on person and I soaked up everything like a sponge and at times I did what you're doing...I asked questions. I was determine to conquer a passion and personal goal of mine. 

Sometimes the hardest part is getting started. It's not a race or time-limit, so take as much time needed (as long as you know to start). Imagine what you could accomplish if you allow yourself to take the first step- even baby steps. Hard work will pay off and even when you become 'less-inspired' along your journey...don't quit! Someone somewhere will take notice as long as you put yourself out there and produce great hard work. Having a great support system will help shave fearful thoughts/actions and give you some motivation to continue. Christina, hope I sparked a few ideas for you. Good luck with your career endeavors and the best of luck on your journey. 

As always,
Thank you for following and supporting Urban Crush~ xoxo

**If you have a entertainment or lifestyle related question, contact me. I would be happy to assist/answer your question with an honest thorough answer.

** What did I miss? Feel free to add more suggestions in the comment section. Your knowledge and suggestions may help others. If you liked this post don't forget to SHARE & FOLLOW, thanks for stopping by:)       


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