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Motivation: New Year New You

By | Sunday, January 03, 2016 Leave a Comment

Hello 2016! Although we’re meeting for the first time, yet another year has returned for a visit. This is the time to really get things in gear with a new  start, new ideas, positive changes and whatnots. Having a resolution is fine but many people don’t complete their list by years end. Sad to say that I’m one of those people as well, so I’ve made it a point to not pressure myself.

Accomplishing several goals for yourself within a deadline which may help you stick to a better schedule. Instead of going on a quick diet for the New Year, only to quickly gain it back later, decide making healthier choices that may result in a better lifestyle. Before you know it you’ll look and feel so much better.  

Be strong, find the courage to do things you’ve always wanted to try or do…no matter what others may think or say. Let 2016 be the year where FEAR is not invited and doesn’t fit in your lifestyle. Try as much as you can and if it doesn’t happen right at that moment, don’t quit! It might not be the right time or still more things to do. Things happen when they are meant to, make it happen by creating it into existence.

I love seeing a person’s success and try to motive those who could use it. You’ll be surprised how simple kind words, a smile or greeting someone changes not only someone's day, but could brighten your day in return. It’s a great feeling when I give compliments to others and being helpful, I’ve help brainstorm ideas with plenty of people, lol. The more good you give out the more good will return to you.  So by all means, rack up them Karma Points by putting good out in the world.

Take care of yourself and surround yourself with great people and support system. The truest ones will uplift, encourage and give good constructive criticism while others rather pull you down, chuckle at your ideas etc. If you have a side-line hater in your circle maybe 2016 is the year to cut some ties with certain people around you. But, on the flipside, if you’re the sideline hater, do yourself a favor, be kind to all. Everyone deserves love and respect (unless the situation is not fixable then you have to move on from that person) so treat everyone as such. Bully’s are not in style, lol, humble yourself watch more greatness come into your life.

Sonya xo
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