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By | Thursday, December 27, 2012 1 comment

Photo: Urban Crush
Turmeric is a wonder herb/spice that has numerous health benefits and it’s used in various cooking recipes. It’s highly used in Asia and India as a spice in cuisines but, many feel as if this herb can contribute to, if not cure, many health problems. Let’s take a look of some of the benefits of what this natural spice does.

In my research, I’ve learned that the chemical compound of curcumin is what packs the magical medicinal properties of this herb- which by the way is in the Ginger family and often found in curry. It’s known to have anti-inflammatory and pain reliever agents. It is great to try for those suffering from arthritis. Some reports that it provides relief from bacterial infections as well as fever. It’s said that consuming it frequently helps keep various tumors/cancers at bay. As Turmeric Root, it is highly pungent and because of its strong taste many consume it in dishes or in various tea recipes.

It is also know to be great for the skin; acne, stretch marks, bruises, glowing and clear skin. If external, use as a pasted, various recipes can be researched and it can be consume internal. Either way will result in great benefits. Also, great for coughs and colds, being that it plays a role in boosting your immunity system. This herb has many contributions to other ailments that you can learn about through extensive research.   

A little goes a long way, and I personally take this herb as a capsule 1-2 times per day (500 mg). I purchased mine at Walmart but can be purchased at drug & grocery stores, also online. I first stumbled upon this by accident. I was reading health articles and came across a topic on this herb and researched it as well as checked the reviews. I realized this was the same empty-space-on-the-shelf herb that was never there when I stocked up on my vitamins. I figured it must work well since it’s always sold out. Not trying to sound like an infomercial, but I actually noticed a change in my appetite in a matter of days. It actually suppressed my appetite and boosted my metabolism. I noticed a few pounds fall off, and I was really excited, so for those who are big snack-eaters, this one’s for you, lol.

As with any vitamin, mineral, herb etc. check with your doctor or pharmacist before consuming this herb about any side effects etc. Some may be allergic to this or taking other medications that does not mix well with this. I personally didn’t have any side effects, but everyone is different.

I mentioned this to a couple people who had great results with it as well. Here’s to the SPICE OF LIFE!  

Have you tried it and if so, did it worked for you?
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