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By | Monday, July 21, 2014 Leave a Comment

HAPPY MONDAY! It's been rainy and/or dreary the last few days (in my part of the world) but yet another great day to make a difference in your life. I know many cringe when Mondays roll around, hitting the snooze button a couple times. Seriously rise and grind, let's start the day/week with some positive energy, shall we. Congrats to those of you who get in a good workout before work, you are one step ahead in your day. Better than me, although I do try to find the time throughout the day somewhere...gotta get it in.

Be as strong and beautiful as which you were created. There are many things we all can do in our lives to create more opportunities, if not for ourselves, for others. Do not worry if you feel as if your contributes go unnoticed....believe me, there are many watching from the sidelines noticing the hard work you put in and the good intentions behind it. You 'WILL' be rewarded and if not by man, by a higher power- all in due time.

I truly believe that what you put in, you will get in return. It helps having the same 'liked-minded' supportive people as you to help drive and motivate your actions. Have you been around people who either haven't accomplished as much as you or secretly 'hate' on your good fortune? What about people who feel "entitled to" whatever you have, via association. O_0 huh? Don't allow certain people to spill their lackluster desires or goals onto you; making you feel some type of way. There are actually people in the world who will blame others for "their" downfalls etc. Also some might be in a great position to help others along but have that crab-in-the-barrel syndrome; not wanting anyone achieving more or getting ahead of them.

Just know it's all about the positive change within "you" and not the negativity of others. Trust and believe all things are possible if you just put it out there. Don't be afraid, everyone has a beginning but you at least need to "start" toward your change. Failure is a teacher, it's show us what it feels like, what can happen but most of all it teach us what "not" to do and how we can better improve for next time

Wishing you all a great productive Monday, part-take in something you truly love and remember CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU. Be blessed!

**If you or someone you know could use a little 'Monday Motivation' feel free to share this post.  
**Photo: Urban Crush   
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